When we revisit the more traditional view towards cannabis and CBD products, this often brings up a lot of imagery that places marijuana and everything attached to it in a very dark space. Back in the day, people who used marijuana were automatically labeled negatively.
Today, there’s a lot of activity around cannabis liberalisation, thanks to the advancements in technology. For a while now, science has made a strong case showing that cannabis has a number of key ingredients that can improve people’s lives. But as reality would have it, there are still pockets of resistance in our journey towards its acceptance.
A recent article by the guardian offers a strong enough nudge — that if a country like Thailand has decriminalised cannabis, perhaps it’s time that Britain caught up. But to be fair, not everyone in Britain is represented in this sense. Statistics show that more than half of Britons are inclined to support marijuana legalisation. It’s rather ironic that Britain is one of the leading exporters of medical cannabis, while it denies this to many of its people. It’s clear that there are resistant forces in government, too.
They may have their reasons for being such, and the least of these things is the lack of open-mindedness to what science says. Surely, there are both good ways and bad ways to use marjuana — but on the latter, it’s easy to succumb to the pressure of media. It’s not difficult to sse that government is quite reluctant to decriminalise cannabis, as it risks appearing to be too soft on crime. But as it turns out, casting a dark cloud on the business only creates a more enabling environment for criminality.
But here in Britain, we also see a significant amount of support, and the good news is that we find this in no less than Westminster. An article shared by Business Cann takes us back to a time in the past when one of today’s most prominent leaders spoke in support of the legalisation of cannabis. This is no less than Liz Truss, the UK’s recently installed Prime Minister.
Now that she is in the highest position of influence, CBD supporters are jubilant. This is the perfect opportunity for more inclusive discussions to be had on a number of things. One of these is the possibility of a fully supported cannabis industry creating 500,000 jobs — and a whole lot of tax money. More importantly, this sparks hope for the child with epilepsy or the random person who buys CBD cream — unjustly labeled as a criminal. Perhaps it’s high time that we manage cannabis with the same regard and maturity we have toward alcohol and tobacco consumption.
There’s a huge open sea between resistance and acceptance. As we traverse the vast ocean, we pin our hopes on the horizon that calls upon us. And yet, we know that our position today doesn’t quite reflect the state that we wish to achieve — at least not yet. While we remain hopeful, it’s fair to see ourselves and the rest of the world as a work in progress.
Every so often, we’ll be facing waves that run opposed to our direction. So we row harder and set bigger sails as we go forward anyway. The opposition will always be there, but for sure, the resisting currents are getting less and less as we go farther. Perhaps we are much closer to our destination than we think.